Entry #7 3/3/2024 8:30PM

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i really wish I remembered to write here more often, its like I only remember twice a year dshdfh... I finally broke up with the girl for good. usually our breakups last 1-3 days but I broke up w her a week before valentines. It left me really depressed, im not used to being alone. Recently I made a new friend, about 5 months ago, I started talking to him almost everyday for a month (i think) but he shot himself sometime last weekend. I miss him alot and I think about him everyday. I have so much I could say but I think I should keep it short, maybe ill change my mind. I think im in love wih my best friend. Im trying not to think about it though, because of all thats been going on recently. I have prom next month, I got a free prom dress from a church. Im super bored, all I wanna do is talk to my best friend and listen to my music but I dont want to bother them, ive already felt like an inconvience with talking to them alot after my friends death. idk